20 Overused Words Grammarly Can Help You Diversify in Your Writing

Even the most professional writers need help coming up with substitutes for common words like “great,” “task,” or “make.” There are some words we use so quickly that we don’t think twice about them.

But using these common words can mean that your emails get lost in the shuffle.

It can be tough to know which words to sub out and which to keep in. You can read your writing out loud to see which words you hear over and over again. You can keep a list of words you know you overuse and perform a search function for them in your text when you’re finished with a draft.

But sometimes, you just need a leg up. Grammarly knows this—that’s why we flag overused words for Grammarly Premium users and offer synonyms for words when you double-click on them.

We’ve compiled a list of the most common words for which our algorithms have suggested synonyms recently.

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Working words

Those of us with desk jobs write a lot of emails, so it’s no surprise that people get tired of writing the same words over and over again. Here are some of the most common:

  • Work
    • Try: business, profession, job, task

  • System
    • Try: policy, arrangement

  • Business
    • Try: profession, company, trade

  • Company
    • Try: partnership, group, organization

  • Service
    • Try: assistance, cooperation

  • Experience
    • Try: background, knowledge, skill

  • Support
    • Try: help, assistance

  • Customer
    • Try: consumer, client, buyer

  • Product
    • Try: stock, goods

  • Research
    • Try: analysis, experimentation

Boring verbs

Sometimes, it’s okay to use the plainest verb to get your point across. But if you’re trying to get people to read your important memo or follow specific instructions, you may want to spice up your language a bit. Here are a few of the most common verbs that users wanted synonyms for:

  • Use
    • Try: practice, apply

  • Make
    • Try: initiate, perform, execute

  • Need
    • Try: require, demand

  • Be
    • Try: happen, signify

  • Get
    • Try: accept, receive

  • Provide
    • Try: give, present, equip

  • Help
    • Try: support, assist

  • Give
    • Try: furnish, grant, deliver

  • Take
    • Try: use, practice, exercise

  • Go
    • Try: move, proceed, progress

Want suggestions like these while you type? Check out the Grammarly Editor and get synonyms with a simple double-click.

The post 20 Overused Words Grammarly Can Help You Diversify in Your Writing appeared first on Grammarly Blog.

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